Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

This year in Autumn term, our topic was ‘Ancient Greece’ where we learnt about some of the myths, legends and stories from the time. We will also spent time learning about the culture, history and major events which occurred in Ancient Greece. In the Spring term, we are exploring ‘Around the World.’ This will build on our knowledge of the World and we will learn how to navigate. In the Summer term, we will study ‘Ancient Britain.’ This will include studying the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings.


Each week, we will focus on a different spelling rule which we will rehearse in class through activities and dictations. The children will be provided with a sheet outlining the spelling rule of the week and examples of words containing the rule. They can then practise these words and the spelling rule at home.


Every child in KS2 is expected to read regularly at home. On Friday, Reading Records will be collected by teachers and marked. Each child is expected to have written at least 5 comments a week. We would love to see comments from parents too if you have heard them read during the week. The children will be provided with a bookmark containing a variety of guided reading questions/sentence starters – they should use these to aid them with writing their comments in their Reading Records.


Each class will receive two PE lessons a week. Both Year 4 classes will have a Dance/Gymnastics lesson on a Wednesday with Lane Academy and outdoor PE on a Friday led by Mr Bryant. We will also be swimming in the Summer term. (More details on this will be shared nearer the time.)

All children are expected to have the correct PE kit for the activities they are doing. This includes appropriate PE kit for the weather conditions. KS2 children are being asked to attend school in their PE kit on the days on which they will have PE sessions. A list of the appropriate PE kit can be obtained from the school office and on our website.

Please remember that children cannot take part in PE with earrings. We suggest that on PE days all earrings are removed prior to coming to school unless children can remove them on their own; if they are unable to remove earrings themselves, they will not be able to take part in PE with their class. We also ask that fingernails are no longer than the tip of the finger, for safety reasons.

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

In Year 4 we are expecting all children to complete the Multiplication Tables Check. This is a Government assessment which will take place in the Summer Term. All children are expected to have learnt all of their times tables (up to x12) by the end of Year 4. To help children with this we will be providing additional practice materials on Education City and Purple Mash. Children will be able to practise their times tables using these resources throughout the year. To help track childrens' progress we will be testing them each week on their times tables. The test will take place on Friday.


The children will be expected to complete one piece of homework every half term from their Curriculum Newsletter Homework Menu. This will be then shared with their class.

Contact Details

Mr Bryant:

Mrs Hardy (M-W) and Mrs Remington Davidson (T-F):

Please allow 48 hours for responses as teachers do not check their emails during the school hours and may need to follow up on queries or concerns. If you have to communicate information regarding same day issues, please contact the school office instead –

Parent Helpers

Please do get in touch if you think you might be able to offer support - in any way! We are always looking for volunteer readers, help with trips and support with running swimming sessions in the Summer term. You will need a DBS check, which can be arranged by the Office.

Resources for Supporting Your Child at Home

Year 4 Maths Help Sheet

Classes in Year 4

We are a Year 4 class, you can contact us at

Sea Otters

We are a mixed Year 4 class, you can contact us at

Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter

Current Curriculum Newsletter