Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 

Welcome to Year 5. This year in Autumn term, our topic will be ‘Water World’, where we study the water cycle and learn more about rivers and mountains; in the Spring term our topic is ‘The Romans’ and finally in the Summer term we will be looking at our local area in our topic ‘Bassingbourn Boundaries’.


As a school this year, we will be approaching spelling differently: the children will not be tested weekly, instead they will be tested every half term. We will focus on a different spelling rule every week which we will rehearse every day in class. The children will then be provided with a sheet outlining the spelling rule of the week and words containing the rule. They can then reinforce these words at home, however this is optional.

Every child in KS2 is expected to read regularly at home. We encourage the children to consider this as homework too. On Monday, Reading Records will be collected by teachers and marked. Each child is expected to have written at least 5 comments a week. We would love to see comments from parents too – even in Year 5! The children will be provided with a bookmark containing a variety of guided reading questions/sentence starters – they should use these to aid them with writing their comments in their Reading Records.

Again, we have revised how we are to approach homework this year too. The children will be expected to complete one piece of homework every half term from their Curriculum Newsletter Homework Menu. This is an expectation of the children and will be proudly displayed in the Year 5/6 corridor!


Each class will receive two PE lessons a week. One will be indoors (dance, gymnastics and problem solving) and one outside (ball games, racquet and striking activities and athletics). We are also hoping to resume swimming sessions in the Summer term during our outdoor PE lesson. Both Year 5 classes have PE sessions on a Monday (Indoor PE) and a Wednesday (Outdoor PE).

All children are expected to have the correct PE kit for the activities they are doing. This includes appropriate PE kit for the weather conditions. KS2 children are being asked to attend school in their PE kit on the days on which they will have PE sessions - these will be shared with the children in their first week in September. A list of the appropriate PE kit can be obtained from the School office and on our website.

Please remember that children cannot take part in PE with earrings. We suggest that on PE days all earrings are removed prior to coming to school unless children can remove them on their own; if they are unable to remove earrings themselves, they will not be able to take part in PE. We also ask that fingernails are no longer than the tip of the finger, for safety reasons.

Parent Helpers

We are currently not asking for helpers in school. We will reassess this regularly, as we appreciate your support!

Blended Remote Home Learning

Under the Downloads tab, you will find a weekly timetable for children, who are self-isolating or should the school be working virtually. Please note, this work is not for children who are ill. This provision is tailored to match in-school learning and is updated weekly, therefore we are asking that additional pages from the work booklets, handed out earlier in the year, are not completed, as was explained in the letter that accompanied your child’s booklets. If you have any questions, please do email your child’s class teacher.

Other Useful Documents

Year 5 Maths Help Sheet

Year 6 Maths Help Sheet

Y5 and Y6 Maths Revision Cards

Suggested Year 6 Reading List

Suggested Year 5 Reading List

UKS2 Parent Grammar Cheat Sheet

Spelling Lists

High Frequency Words (KS1)

Y1-2 Common Exception Words

Y3-4 and Y5-6 Spelling Lists

KS2 Spelling Menu

01.02.23 - Home Learning

The Mystery Of The Haloween Prankster - Maths Mystery

Chemical Creations Task

Materials and Properties Home Learning

Fiction Reading Revision Map

Classes in Year 5

We are a Year 5 class, you can contact us at


We are a Year 5, you can contact us at

Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter

Current Curriculum Newsletter